Friday, April 18, 2008

Success and Being the Best of Yourself

Have you ever pondered on what makes a person successful? Is it his wealth? Financial status/ capabilities? Career? Education? Hmm… How do we measure success anyway? Well, most of the time, people tend to correlate success with wealth and financial stability and often, this is the biggest mistake.

To me, being successful is being able to manage your goals, career, family and most importantly- being spiritually and mentally strong. No matter how much a person studies or earns does not mean that he has everything.. It does not mean that he is the perfect example of a successful person.

Initially, my thinking were rather shallow. I really thought that as long as I can gain financial independence early, then I would be successful. By the way, have you ever wondered whether you are doing what you like right now? Is it what you have always hoped to do or become? Confucius once said, “
Find a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

As far as I know, most of us don’t. We do and behave what people want and expect us to be. Generally, we are all molded in accordance to our family, friends and society’s beliefs. When I ask my friends what do they want in life, they would normally reply me- “Money, Stable Job & Minimal Commitments.” I really hate to say this but, those answers are rather superficial.

Right now, I feel that before being successful in anything, one must be “successful in oneself” first. A more holistic approach to life will tend to guide a person to the right path. I don’t mean to disagree that your job and money are crucial in your everyday life. It’s just that people are more prone to walk the wrong path just to reach their motives. Or even worse, some will be more complacent as they would say “As long as I’ve enough to feed my family, children and me, everything is okay.” To a certain extent it is true, but have they ever thought what life really means???

Being successful have never been easy. Most people say “IF I DO MY BEST, THEN SUCCESS WILL COME NATURALLY.” In most cases, yes, it is true, but what kind of success are they talking about? Some would justify that “DOING YOUR BEST IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BEING THE BEST.” I can tell you this- It is only an excuse generated by complacent & indolent people. Till today, I still believe that if you want something badly, you will achieve it by hook or by crook. You wanna be the best, then go for it!!!!!! But of course, you must know what are the roads you are going to take. You may want to follow Robert Frost for using the road less traveled, and that will make all the difference.

All I know for sure is, if you want to achieve success, define success in terms of your “diction and language.” Balance all out. Success to me means having a loving family, great friends, an affectionate, devoting ‘other half’ and a HEALTHY LIFE in order to be able to enjoy their companionship. My good friend once told me- NEVER BE WITH SOMEONE WHO YOU THINK WILL PULL YOU DOWN- ESPECIALLY YOUR ‘OTHER HALF.’ FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY AND YOU WILL BE THE BEST OF YOURSELF.

As for now, I’m glad that I have many things that some people don’t have. I have an extremely encouraging family who supports me all the way as they provide me with the best education and guidance in my career path. Also, I’ve a handful of true friends and colleagues who continuously back me up. *BLUSH*- And someone who will never close his ears when I shriek of frustration. He listens, plans, promise and assures me that as long as I’m with him, I’ll never be ‘pulled down.’ Why? Cz he’s trying to climb high to reach his ambition and spiritual goals. WE CAN BE THE BEST OF OURSELVES. THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS TO IT.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some interesting ideas - thank you for sharing them.

For me success is about inner happiness not about what I have in the outer world, or even how healthy I am. I know a lady who has severe arthritis but is one of the happiest people I know. I know others who are healthy but are miserable.

One way I help myself to stay happy is to meditate ... it clears my mind of all the negativity in the world so happiness can arise spontaneously.

May you be happy